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Transformers are helpers that transform Bag input data from custom types, e.g. Models or JSON strings.

Using Transformers

Transformers are methods defined on your Bag class that transform input data into the correct type. Transformers are identified by adding the Transforms attribute to the method, passing the type you want to transform from.

For example, to transform from a JSON string:

use Bag\Bag;

class MyValue extends Bag
    protected static function fromJsonString(string $json): array
        return json_decode($json, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);

or to transform from a specific class:

use App\Models\User;
use Bag\Bag;

class MyValue extends Bag
    protected static function fromUser(User $user): array
        return $user->toArray();

You can pass multiple types to the Transforms attribute, or use multiple Transforms attributes to handle multiple types.

The following two examples are functionally the same:

use App\Models\Book;
use App\Models\Magazine;
use Bag\Bag;

class MyValue extends Bag
    protected static function fromMedia(Book|Magazine $media): array
        return $media->toArray();


use App\Models\Book;
use App\Models\Magazine;
use Bag\Bag;

class MyValue extends Bag
    #[Transforms(Book::class, Magazine::class)]
    protected static function fromMedia(Book|Magazine $media): array
        return $media->toArray();

Bag will match child classes to their parents, so Transforms(Model::class) will match any child Model objects, however, if there is a more specific transformer available, Bag will use that instead.


Bag will use the most specific transformer available, if two or more transformers are equally specific then Bag will use the first one it finds.

Handling JSON

To differentiate between other strings and JSON, you can use special type Bag::FROM_JSON as the Transformer type:

use Bag\Bag;

class MyValue extends Bag
    protected static function fromJsonString(string $json): array
        return json_decode($json, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);

Made with 🦁💖🏳️‍🌈 by Davey Shafik.