Custom Processes

By default, Deis supports two processes, which it will automatically start when the container is deployed:

  1. web — for applications deployed using a buildpack
  2. cmd - for applications deployed using a Dockerfile or docker image

You can also specify your own processes, that can then be started, and scaled independently. This is done by adding a Procfile in the root of your application.

Creating New Processes

To create a new process type, you simply define it in the Procfile, using the following pattern:

<process name>: <command>

For example, we could add a process type that will run a task workers within our codebase:

processor: python /workers/
translator: ruby /workers/

Starting & Scaling Processes

To start or scale a process, we use the deis scale command. We can run any different number of instances of each process type.

$ deis scale processor=2 translator=4

Restarting Processes

To restart processes use deis ps:restart.

To restart all processes of a given type use:

$ deis ps:restart web
Restarting processes... but first, coffee!
done in 14s
=== <random>-<words> Processes

--- web:
web.1 up (v2)
web.2 up (v2)
web.3 up (v2)

To restart a single process simply specify it's number:

$ deis ps:restart web.1
Restarting processes... but first, coffee!
done in 11s
=== <random>-<words> Processes

--- web:
web.1 up (v2)
web.2 up (v2)
web.3 up (v2)

Monitoring Processes

You can see what is currently running on the cluster using deis ps:

$ deis ps

=== <random>-<words> Processes

--- web:
web.1 up (v2)
web.2 up (v2)
web.3 up (v2)
processor.1 up (v2)
processor.2 up (v2)
translator.1 up (v2)
translator.2 up (v2)
translator.3 up (v2)
translator.4 up (v2)