Setting Up Deis

Now, we have the a cluster of CoreOS instances and a domain we can use to access the cluster. It's time to actually setup Deis on the hosts.

We'll need one of the public IPs of our instances (these were output by the provision script). Any one will do. Then, we set an environment variable so our local deisctl knows who to talk to:

$ export DEISCTL_TUNNEL=<instance-IP>

We also provide the SSH key we used to provision the hosts. This is used by the deis run command to log into the host machine and schedule one-off tasks:

$ deisctl config platform set sshPrivateKey=~/.ssh/deis-$USER

Now, we need to have deisctl tell our CoreOS cluster what our domain will be. Note that this is the domain one level above what the apps will be called (i.e. the domain we set here is <elb-IP>, and our apps will be app-name.<elb-IP>

$ deisctl config platform set domain=<elb-IP>

Finally, we can install and start the platform. This will take about 20 minutes for the platform to fully start, as it's pulling each component's Docker image from Docker Hub.

$ deisctl install platform
$ deisctl start platform

What exactly did this do? deisctl talked to fleet, the CoreOS cluster scheduler, and asked it to run the Deis components on the cluster. We can use deisctl list to see on which hosts the components ended up.