Scaling Containers

Let's try scaling up more containers of our app. Pick any application currently deployed to the Deis cluster and cd into the application directory. Then we can scale using the deis scale command.


If the application was deployed using a buildpack, we want to scale the web processes:

$ deis scale web=3
Scaling processes... but first, coffee!
done in 133s
=== <random>-<words> Processes

--- web:
web.1 up (v2)
web.2 up (v2)
web.3 up (v2)

If we refresh our browser a few times, we see three containers responding to traffic.

Dockerfiles and Docker Images

When using a Dockerfile or Docker image, deis will scale the CMD process to 1. To increase this use:

deis scale cmd=3
Scaling processes... but first, coffee!
done in 46s
=== <random>-<words> Processes

--- cmd:
cmd.1 up (v2)
cmd.2 up (v2)
cmd.3 up (v2)